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List of events ordered by date

Event TypeDatePlaceIndividualDocuments
Birth25 February 1615 (previously 1614)?COOLEY Benjamin
Birth25 February 1615 (previously 1614)?COOLEY Benjamin
Birth25 February 1615 (previously 1614)?COOLEY Benjamin
Birth25 February 1615 (previously 1614)United Kingdom - HRT Hertfordshire - St. Albans PerishCOOLEY Benjamin
Birth1 March 1615 (previously 1614)United Kingdom - Messing, Co. EssexLOOMIS Joseph
Birth1 March 1615 (previously 1614)United Kingdom - ESS Essex - MessingLOOMIS Joseph
Birth12 March 1615 (previously 1614)United Kingdom - Sheffield, YorkshireHAYWARD George
Birth2 April 1615United Kingdom - BiddendenSTOWE Thomas
Marriage27 April 1615United Kingdom - SOM Somerset - PitminsterTREAT Richard with GAYLORD Alice
Birth2 May 1615United Kingdom - SFK Suffolk - RedgraveMORSE John
Birth18 June 1615United Kingdom - DEV Devon - ModburySTETSON Cornet Robert
Birth25 July 1615United KingdomCOLBURN Nathaniel
Birth7 August 1615United Kingdom - SemleyTREADWAY Nathaniel
Birth7 August 1615?TREADWAY Nathaniel
Death28 August 1615United Kingdom - WAR Warwickshire - KenilworthGRISWOLD George
Birth4 September 1615?BROWNE Susanna
Birth19 September 1615United Kingdom - NTH Northamptonshire - Daventry, .BLISS Elizabeth
Birth19 September 1615?BLISS Elizabeth
Marriage28 September 1615United Kingdom - OXF Oxfordshire - BanburyWELLES Thomas with TOMES Alice
BirthSeptember 1615United Kingdom - NFK Norfolk - WhinburghFLEGG Thomas
DeathSeptember 1615United Kingdom - KEN Kent - HorsmondenFEYDLE Jane
BirthOctober 1615United Kingdom - WAR Warwickshire - Lapworth, .SLYE Sarah
BirthOctober 1615?SLYE Sarah
Birth1 November 1615United Kingdom - NBL Northumberland - Newcastle Upon TyneALCOCK Jane
Birth1615United Kingdom - ChesterFALES James
Birthabout 1615?CHAMBERLAIN Thomas
Birthabout 1615?COOLEY Samuel
Birth1615?CLARK Mary
Birth1615?BRYANT Stephen
Birth1615United KingdomELDERKIN John
Birthabout 1615?HUBBARD Hannah
Birth1615?LYNDE Elizabeth Mary
Birthabout 1615United Kingdom - STD Scotland - Assynt, SthrlnMONROE George
Birth1615?FRENCH Thomas
Birthabout 1615?COOK Ann
Birth1615United KingdomWARNER John
Death1615United Kingdom - DEV Devon - Woodbury, .HOWE John
Birth1615United Kingdom - DEV DevonBALLOU Maturin
Birthabout 1615United Kingdom - WIL Wiltshire - EngalndHUSE Abel
Birth1615?HOYT Alice
Birth1615United KingdomMARY
Birthabout 1615?WAITE Thomas
Birthabout 1615United Kingdom - ESS EssexBARNES Thomas
Birthabout 1615United Kingdom - DEV Devon - St Andrews, Plymouth, Eng.WORTH Joyce
Birth1615?HUNT Mercy (Hurd)
Birthabout 1615United Kingdom - ESS Essex - ShafordDEMING John
Birthabout 1615United KingdomBROOKS William
Birth1615United Kingdom - HAM Hampshire - RamseyJONES Thomas
Birth1615United KingdomBAILEY Joanna
Marriage1615United Kingdom - KEN KentDENNIS William with SCARLETT Jane
Birth1615?GIFFORD William
Birth1615United Kingdom - Stansread, Sudbury,SullolkRICE Mary
Birth1615United Kingdom - DEV DevonGIFFORD William
Birth1615United KingdomCHAMBERLAIN Edmund
Birth1615?LARKIN Edward
Birth1615Netherlands - LeydenMORTON Patience
Birth1615United KingdomLARKIN Edward
Birth1615?POORE John
Birth1615United Kingdom - DEV Devon - ExeterWOOD Daniel
Birth1615United KingdomPIERCE Michael
Birth1615United Kingdom - WAR Warwickshire - CheylesmerePICKERING John
Birthabout 1615Springfield, Ma.LEONARD John
Birthabout 1615?LEONARD John
Birthabout 1615United Kingdom - STD Scotland - Assynt, SthrlnROSS Marjory
Birth1615?RICHARDSON John
Birth1615United Kingdom - Stephey, RotcliffeRICHARDSON John
Birthabout 1615United Kingdom - WLS Wales - Pontypool, MommothLEONARD John
Birth1615?LARKIN Edward
Birth1615United Kingdom - SOM Somerset - ChaffcombeGILLETT Nathan
Birth1615?GILLETT Nathan
Birthabout 1615United Kingdom - SOM Somerset - PitminsterTREAT Honor
Birth1615United Kingdom - LincolnSAWYER Thomas
Birth1615?SAWYER Thomas
Death1615United Kingdom - WAR Warwickshire - KenilworthJAMES Dorothy
Birth1615United Kingdom - DOR DorsetEAMES Millicent
Birth1615?SANDERSON Edward
Birth1615United KingdomCOVEY James Hope
Birth1615United KingdomPRATT Thomas
Birth1615?CHAMBERLAIN Edmund
Birth1615United KingdomBOSWORTH Benjamin
Birthabout 1615?WARREN Elizabeth
Birth1615United Kingdom - CHS Cheshire - AlderleyANDREWS Dorothy
Birth11 February 1616 (previously 1615)United Kingdom - Ware End, Great AmwellJOHNSON Isaac
Birth16 February 1616 (previously 1615)?BIGELOW John
Birth16 February 1616 (previously 1615)United Kingdom - SFK Suffolk - WrenthamBIGELOW John
Birth16 February 1616 (previously 1615)?BIGELOW John
Birth25 February 1616 (previously 1615)?COOLEY Benjamin
Birth25 February 1616 (previously 1615)?COOLEY Benjamin
Birth7 April 1616?CHAPMAN Martha
Birth7 April 1616United Kingdom - DigswellCHAPMAN Martha
Birth28 April 1616United Kingdom - BDF Bedfordshire - WootonHAYNES William
Birth5 June 1616?MOORE Thomas
Birth17 June 1616United Kingdom - WLS WalesTHOMPSON John
Birth18 June 1616?SHERMAN Grace
Birth18 June 1616?SHERMAN Grace
Birth18 June 1616?SHERMAN Grace
Birth18 June 1616United Kingdom - ESS Essex - DedhamSHERMAN Grace
Birth7 July 1616Netherlands - LeydenDEFOREEST Issac
Birth14 July 1616United Kingdom - LevenhamHAMMOND Anne
Birth14 July 1616?ANN
Death3 August 1616United Kingdom - SFK Suffolk - StansteadFROST Edward
Marriage4 August 1616?ADAMS John with WHEELOCK Eliozabeth
Birth25 August 1616United Kingdom - SFK Suffolk - SudburryCATLIN John
Birth1 September 1616United Kingdom - Caversham, OxfordSTEVENS William
Birth1 September 1616United Kingdom - YorkshireFLETCHER William
Birth9 September 1616United Kingdom - ESS Essex - BoxsteadWARNER John
Birth9 September 1616?WARNER John
Marriage10 October 1616United Kingdom - NFK Norfolk - St. Bartholmew's Church, HinghamMETCALF Michael with ELWYN Sarah
Birth13 October 1616United Kingdom - LAN Lancashire - LeighWITHINGTON Faith
Death23 November 1616United Kingdom - KEN Kent - CranbrookEDDY William
Birth9 December 1616United Kingdom - LDN LondonCARR Caleb
Birth24 December 1616?THOMAS Roland
Birth1616United Kingdom - HRT Hertfordshire - Abbotts LangleyDAYVES Marha
Birth1616United Kingdom - Beverley, YorkshireGILBERT Prudence
Birth1616United Kingdom - DOR Dorset - Sterthill, EnglsndBLISH Abraham
Birth1616?BLISH Abraham
Birthabout 1616United Kingdom - LDN LondonDORMAN Dearing
Birth1616?ALLIS William
Deathafter 1616United Kingdom - HAM Hampshire - Weyhill Parish, Penton-GraftonRUTTER Nicholas
Birthabout 1616?PROCTOR George
Birthabout 1616United Kingdom - HAM Hampshire - Weyhill Parish, Penton-GraftonRUTTER John
Birth1616United Kingdom - SouthamptonFULLER Robert
Birth1616?FULLER Robert
Birth1616?FULLER Robert
Birth1616United Kingdom - KEN KentBALCH Elizabeth
Birth1616United Kingdom - AyleshamCASE John
Death1616?MERRYLLS Joan
Birth1616?COOPER Thomas
Birth1616United Kingdom - KEN KentKINGSLAND Abigail
Birth1616United KingdomGROUT John
Birth1616United Kingdom - BDF Bedfordshire - MeppershallROBINSON John
Death1616United KingdomWALLEN Joyce
Birth1616United Kingdom - LDN LondonDRURY Hugh
Birth1616United Kingdom - KEN KentLITCHFIELD Lawrence
Birth1616United KingdomCOOPER Thomas
Birth1616United KingdomWHITLOCK Hannah
Birthabout 1616?KING Elizabeth
Birthabout 1616United KingdomCAPEN Honor
Birthabout 1616United Kingdom - CambridgeKENDALL Thomas
Birthabout 1616?KENDALL Thomas
Birthabout 1616?KENDALL Thomas
Birthabout 1616?BULLEN Samuel
Birthabout 1616?MARRETT Susanna
Birth1616?BALCH Elizabeth
Birth1616?HODGES Mary
Birth1616?COX Isabel
Birth1616United KingdomCOX Isabel
Birthabout 1616?GRACE
Birth1616Llandaff, Glamorgan, WalesMORGAN Miles
Birthabout 1616?JORDAN Hannah
Birth1616United KingdomCHAPMAN Robert
Birthabout 1616?COOLEY Mary
Birthabout 1616United KingdomMOWER RIchard
Birth1616United Kingdom - DEV DevonBARRAT Annis
Birth1616United KingdomHARRINGTON Robert
Birth1616United KingdomHARRINGTON Robert
Birthabout 1616United KingdomALLIS William
Marriage19 January 1617United Kingdom - St. Mary's, Bridport, DorsetshireGALLUP John with BRUSCHETT Christobel
Birth8 February 1617?PRUDEN Ann
Death20 February 1617 (previously 1616)United Kingdom - KEN Kent - HorsmondenWILLARD Richard
Marriage20 May 1617United Kingdom - HalifaxFAIRBANKS Jonathan with SMITH Grace
Birth8 June 1617United KingdomFORD Joanna
Birth8 June 1617?FORD Joanna
Deathabout 17 June 1617United Kingdom - Messing, Co. EssexWHITE Robert
Marriage20 July 1617United Kingdom - SFK Suffolk - NaylandSTONE Gregory with GARRAD Margaret
Birth29 August 1617United Kingdom - GLS Gloucestershire - RodboroughBLISS Ann
Birth29 August 1617?BLISS Ann
Birth4 September 1617?BOSWORTH Nathaniel
Birth4 September 1617United KingdomBOSWORTH Nathaniel
Birth4 September 1617?BOSWORTH Nathaniel
Marriage8 September 1617United Kingdom - SFK SuffolkMOODY John with COX Sarah
Death8 September 1617United Kingdom - NTH Northamptonshire - Parma, .BLISS John
Marriage2 October 1617United Kingdom - SFK Suffolk - MetfieldFISKE Phineas with FRANCIS Sarah
Marriage13 October 1617?FREEMAN Edmund with GRAVELY Elizabeth
Birth23 October 1617United Kingdom - KEN Kent - StapleEATON Jonas
BirthOctober 1617Italia - SisilyDANA Richard
Death4 December 1617Little Yeildham EnglandPARMENTOR William
Birth12 December 1617United Kingdom - St. Mary le Port,Bristol,Gloucestershire,.BERWICK Grace
Birth1617United KingdomMARY
Birth1617United Kingdom - DEV Devon - Woodbury, .HOWE John
Birth1617?BARNARD Francis
Birth1617United Kingdom - Bath, SummersetHERENDEEN Benjamin
Birth1617Providence, R.I.HERENDEEN Benjamin
Birth1617?HERENDEEN Benjamin
Death1617United Kingdom - SFK Suffolk - RedgraveJASPER Lancelot
Birth1617?HERENDEEN Benjamin
Birth1617?HERENDEEN Benjamin
Birthabout 1617?TRAUER Hannah
Birth1617United Kingdom - WAR Warwickshire - Fenny ComptonGIBBONS Elizabeth
Birth1617United Kingdom - KEN KentHAWLEY Joanna
Birth1617?GIBBONS Elizabeth
Birth1617?CLARK Elizabeth
Birth1617United KingdomBARNARD Francis
Birthabout 1617United KingdomPIERCE Samuel
Birth1617?PHILLIPS Hannah
Birthabout 1617?PIERCE Phoebe
Birthabout 1617United Kingdom - DEV Devon - St Andrews, Plymouth, Eng.WORTH Alice
Birth1617?WALLEY Thomas
Death1617United Kingdom - SalisburyGREENE Richard
Birthabout 1617United Kingdom - Sturtle, DorsetshireSNOW William
Birth1617United KingdomCHANDLER William
Marriage1617United Kingdom - OxfordGOODWIN Daniel with BARKER Dorothy Chapman
Birth1617United Kingdom - Puddington, NottinghamBLOOD Richard
Birth1617United Kingdom - New CastleCUTTER Joanna
Birth1617United KingdomCHURCHMAN Anna
Birth1617?DENNIS Edward
Birth1617United KingdomBUTTRICK William
Birth1617?BUTTRICK William
Birthabout 1617United Kingdom - WLS WalesDAVIS William
Birthabout 1617Somerset EnglandDAVIS William
Birth1617United Kingdom - SFK Suffolk - WinstonBACON John

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These pages have been generated by the software Oxy-Gen version 1.41b, on 17/08/2023. You can download it here.